
Paedicare newborn services

Paedicare is a private group of eight highly qualified and caring paediatricians: Dr Julie Beak, Dr Fifi Djatmiko, Dr Dallas Fowler, Dr John Gunn, Dr Emily Horsley, Dr Yassmin Musthaffa, Dr Ingrid Bucens and Dr Priyam Jha with the shared goal of providing holistic care based on current best practice to babies, children and their families.

We provide specialist paediatric services for newborns at Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane, including 24 hour neonatal care through their Maternity Service and Special Care Nursery.

Specialist services for babies, children and adolescents are provided at Mater Children’s Private Brisbane.

All non-hospital related care is provided in our consultation rooms in the Salmon Building on Mater’s South Brisbane campus.

Paedicare provide prompt feedback to GPs around patient care.

Newborn care

Having a baby can be one of the most exciting times in life, but it can also be quite daunting. Paedicare specialists will ensure your baby is expertly assessed and cared for in hospital, and will give you the reassurance you need to care for your gorgeous new addition at home. Read more about Paedicare’s newborn care.


Did you know privately insured mums are usually able to choose their preferred paediatrician to care for their baby, just like they choose their preferred obstetrician? Read more information about the things you may like to consider if choosing a paediatrician to care for your baby.

To request the Paedicare team as your preferred paediatricians to care for your baby at birth, please inform your obstetrician. Your obstetrician will then arrange the referral to Paedicare on your behalf.

General paediatric care

There are a range of conditions that may present themselves shortly after birth or through your child’s growing years. Some of the most common conditions our highly qualified paediatricians assess and manage are:

Infant problems:
icon-bullet-green Colic, sleeping problems, irritability, abnormal head shape and feeding difficulties.

icon-bullet-teal Constipation, gastro-oesophageal reflux, cow’s milk allergy, abdominal pain and diarrhoea.

icon-bullet-pink Wheezing, asthma, recurrent infections and asthma.

icon-bullet-orange Congenital renal abnormalities, urinary tract infections and bed wetting.

icon-bullet-violet Rashes, birth marks and eczema.

Complex medical conditions:
icon-bullet-blue Conditions where your child was born with multiple medical problems or developed these after birth. These may relate to prematurity, an inherited condition or an acquired condition.

Developmental and neurological:
icon-bullet-purple Tics, developmental delay and concerns, headaches, seizures and migraines, Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

icon-bullet-apricot Slow weight gain, failure to thrive, premature or delayed puberty and short stature.


Please phone Paedicare reception on 07 3358 8890 to make an appointment.

Please note your child will need to obtain a general practitioner (GP) referral prior to their Paedicare appointment. The referral may be given to you or sent direct to our practice via email or fax 07 3144 5689.

What should I bring to the appointment?

To ensure we can provide the most appropriate care, please bring any copies of x-rays, pathology results, letters or reports from your GP, specialists or allied health if these are available.

Our fees

Paedicare is a private practice and therefore we charge a fee for care by our qualified paediatricians.

Rebates are provided by Medicare so your out-of-pocket charge can be reduced. For current fees please contact us on telephone 07 3358 8890 or email

Paediatric endocrinology services

Dr Dallas Fowler and Dr Yassmin Musthaffa provide paediatric endocrinology services, in addition to general paediatric services, at our Mater South Brisbane rooms including specialist management of thyroid disorders, adrenal disorders, disorders of growth and puberty and pituitary disorders.

If you have health or development concerns about your child our team are here to help. We can undertake tests, diagnose and help you understand your child’s condition and treatment.

For further information or to book an appointment please contact us.