Newborns, babies and COVID-19: what you need to know

Paedicare Paediatricians - Newborns, Babies and Coronavirus

Our very own Paedicare Paediatrician Dr Julie Beak has teamed up with to answer key questions to update you on the current situation and what you need to know about Newborns, Babies and COVID-19.

Creating connections with your immediate family is so important at this time

This is a very unsettling time for all, particularly for parents who are anxious to know how Coronavirus (COVID-19) affects their newborns and babies.

Having a baby is such a special time in your life (albeit exhausting). Despite the crisis we are facing with Coronavirus Dr Beak encourages you to love and enjoy your baby.

Happy parents mean a happy baby who feels secure. So smile and cuddle your baby. Creating connections with your immediate family is so important at this time.

For those wishing to know the answers to the following questions read the full Bubhub article here.

The affects of COVID-19 on babies

  • What are the key messages for parents?
  • Are babies at risk of serious complications?
  • Do the symptoms present differently in babies?
  • What happens if I contract COVID-19?
  • Should I stay away from my baby?
  • Can I continue to breastfeed?
  • If I suspect my baby has COVID-19 can they be tested?
  • Should I keep my other children away from my baby?

We hope the answers provide the information you need to put your mind at ease and empower you through this very difficult time. Please do try and enjoy this very special time with your babies.

Dr Julie Beak has also written
this article for those wanting specific information relating to
Children and Coronavirus.

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us.