We are very excited to announce Paedicare’s specialist paediatric service has expanded to Clayfield to support Brisbane’s inner north families.
Qualified and caring paediatrician Dr John Gunn has begun a fortnightly clinic at College Junction, 695 Sandgate Road; Clayfield’s new health and commercial precinct.
Paedicare paediatricians join a number of other tertiary and allied health services located at the new health precinct, who are focused on supporting the local inner north Brisbane community.
Dr Gunn enjoys all aspects of child health (age 0-18 years) with a special interest in newborn medicine. He believes that the cornerstone of his job is to have the whole family and health team on the same page. Communication is key and a new diagnosis or treatment is difficult if the family does not fully understand the problem at hand. John is a father of two young children, so can relate to the many challenges of parenting.
Paedicare’s expansion provides a convenient option for local families living north of the river where ample, free underground parking is available for patients. Patients just need to keep their parking ticket and have it validated at reception before they leave.
Appointments can be made to see Dr John Gunn via Paedicare’s South Brisbane rooms on telephone 07 3358 8890.
Full address details and map are located on our Contact Us page.
In addition to consulting at Clayfield, Dr Gunn provides newborn services as a paediatrician at Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane, and specialist private paediatric services from Paedicare’s rooms in the Salmon Building on Mater’s South Brisbane campus. He works there alongside five other qualified paediatricians.
John looks forward to caring for paediatric patients and their families requiring specialist care in Brisbane’s north.